
Probe PI-01-BP for Selective Low Frequency Applications

April 13, 2021




Isotropic Electric Field Probe with Bandpass Frequency Response for airborne drone low frequency measurement systems in the presence of strong communication signals::  1-800 V/m, 100 KHz-100 MHz (pass band),  800 MHz-6 GHz (stop band).

Probe PI-07P: Isotropic Electric Field Probe for Pulse and Average HIRF Applications 100 MHz-60 GHz, 4-3000 V/m


The PI-07P probe works in the frequency range  100 MHz – 60 GHz, covering most of the test requirements of   MIL STD-464, RTCA-DO-160, FAA HIRF Rule & Advisory Circular 20-158, Boeing, Airbus and automotive EMC GM and Ford specifications.

in Pulse mode (with included PU-5P power unit) it measures the amplitude of pulsed RF fields from RF and microwave sources (microwave radars) with fast sampling detection capability of 1 us (one microsecond).  In Average mode it operates as standard isotropic field probe, measuring the RMS field strength of CW and AM/FM modulated signals.

PI-07 Ultrabroadband Electric Probe: 2 MHz – 60 GHz, 4-1000 V/m

January 5, 2020

Ultrabroadband isotropic electric field probe PI-07 extends the requirements of most EMC and RF safety standards for industrial, military and communication applications. It covers all RF and microwave frequency bands from MF up to M band, thus providing a versatile measuring tool for all 5G upcoming applications.

New! Frequency Shaped Isotropic Electric Probes: PI-SH-ICNIRP and PI-SH-FCC for RF safety testing.

July 9, 2016

Meter with PI-SH Probe 2 PI-SH Probes 2

PI-SH (ICNIRP or FCC) is an isotropic electric field probe with shaped frequency response meeting the ICNIRP or FCC RF safety standards for occupational and general public exposure limits (see the specified frequency ranges below). Meter readings are shown in % of the STD – standard reference level, eliminating the need to know the source frequency. Probe output is proportional to RF power density in the whole specified power range, producing the correct RF power measurements in single and multi-signal environments, typically present at multiple antenna sites.