The PI-07P probe works in the frequency range 100 MHz – 60 GHz, covering most of the test requirements of MIL STD-464, RTCA-DO-160, FAA HIRF Rule & Advisory Circular 20-158, Boeing, Airbus and automotive EMC GM and Ford specifications.
in Pulse mode (with included PU-5P power unit) it measures the amplitude of pulsed RF fields from RF and microwave sources (microwave radars) with fast sampling detection capability of 1 us (one microsecond). In Average mode it operates as standard isotropic field probe, measuring the RMS field strength of CW and AM/FM modulated signals.
Ultrabroadband isotropic electric field probe PI-07 extends the requirements of most EMC and RF safety standards for industrial, military and communication applications. It covers all RF and microwave frequency bands from MF up to M band, thus providing a versatile measuring tool for all 5G upcoming applications.