
Isotropic Field Probe PI-01C 500 MHz-2 GHz, 0.5-600 V/m.

May 9, 2013

Isotropic Broadband Electric Field Probe Probe PI-01C

500 MHz- 2 GHz, 0.5 – 600 V/m

Electric field probe PI-01C was designed for selective RF

measurements. The ability to attenuate the signals above

3 GHz and reject signals below 300 MHz makes it invaluable

tool for cell phone tower certification.

Isotropic Dual Band Electric Field Probe PI-01V 900-1900MHz

May 8, 2013

Isotropic Dual Band Electric Field Probe PI-01V:

900/1900 MHz, 0.2 – 400 V/m

Dual band probe PI-01V was designed for selective RF measurements. The ability to select only specified frequency

bands and reject all the rest makes it invaluable tool for cell phone tower certification.


Isotropic Broadband Electric Field Probe PI-01LF 10KHz-3GHz

May 7, 2013

Isotropic Broadband Electric Field Probe PI-01LF:

 10 KHz-3 GHz, 0.3-600 V/m

Boradband probe PI-01LF, meets the requirements of various EMC and RF safety standards. It allows measurements of RF fields produced by most of the broadcast, telecommunication and industrial sources. This probe eliminates the need for two probes to cover the required frequency range 10 KHz- 3 GHz, thus making measurements simpler and faster.

Isotropic Broadband Magnetic Field Probe PI-H1 0.5MHz-50MHz

May 6, 2013

Isotropic Broadband Magnetic Field Probe PI-H1:

500 KHz -50 MHz, 0.05 – 20 A/m

State of the art probe PI-H1 is used for assessment of the limits for maximum permissible exposure of occupational and general population to RF magnetic fields. Probe covers the frequencies of major industrial, broadcast and telecommunication sources, has flat response in the pass band 2-50 MHz and usable response to 500 KHz (with correction factors), eliminating the typical need for two probes. PI-H1 probe is very compact, rugged and offers good magnetic field overload capability and pick up suppression of the out-of-band electric and magnetic fields.