July 9, 2016
Shaped Frequency Response Probes: PI-SH-FCC and PI-SH-ICNIRP.
Shaped Frequency Response Probe: PI-SH
PI-SH (ICNIRP or FCC) electric field probe has shaped frequency response per ICNIRP or FCC RF safety standards for occupational and general public exposure.
See the probe Flyer:
Probe PI-SH Flyer Rev. 2LR
January 26, 2013
EMC Test Design, LLC introduces a new state of the art probe: PI-01E 100 KHz- 6 GHz.
Frequency range 100 KHz- 6 GHz, field range 0.3-600 V/m, meeting the requirements of new EMC and RF safety standards. This probe eliminates the need for two probes to cover your required frequency range thus making measurements simpler and faster.